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© 2011 JD’s International Ltd T/A Party Tubs

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Party Tubz has been trading since 2007 - so we know a thing about Hot Tubs.


Starting out selling and hiring Inflatable Hot Tubs - then moving onto selling British made Rota Spa’s.

(We have stopped hiring hot tubs as it’s more cost effective to buy them outright)


We are part of the JD’s International Ltd group of companies - where our motto is - “Quality you would expect at a price you won’t believe!”


We get phone calls all the time from people who have bought inflatable hot tubs from non experts and have run into difficulty as they have not received advice with the product purchased - we do offer this service but we get told so many time “we wished we had come to you in the first place!”


Chemicals -myth or mystery?  Unless you have a secret lab set aside that resembles the Adams Family - why go to the bother of all the trouble of continually adjusting the chemicals levels when Aqua Finesse is so easy - the once a week treatment!


Anyway - RELAX - your in the hands of experts!


Free advise to customer - others pay a small charge.